The following open source programs and spreadsheets are all my own work and are provided free of charge with no support or warranty.
SES Include File Manager

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A simple helper application for use with Segger Embedded
Studio when working with the Nordic
Semiconductor SDK.
The application checks which paths exist and allows you to remove those that don't, allows a search by
filename to show which folder they are in, and allows conversion between relative and absolute paths for
the include folders.
(It does not search your SDK folder for include files to automatically add them to the include paths.)
BLE UUID Generator

Download from GitHub
Generates UUID for custom services and characteristics in Nordic SDK format. Guaranteed not to clash with the BT SIG reserved range.
Instructions and Source CodeSource Format For Web

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A utility to format source code to HTML for use with Publii
Instructions and Source CodeSigFyCSV

Download files from GitHub
Converter for CSV files from Siglent Digital Oscilloscopes to list of samples format used by FeelElec FY6900 (and similar) Arbitrary Waveform Generator.
Instructions and Source CodeBlankConsoleApp

Download from GitHub
A template, blank project set up for unit tests using both MS Test and minunit test frameworks for host-based and target-based testing of C functions and files. Whilst MS Tests are written in C++, this only involves using Assert::AreEqual so it can be done with no knowledge of C++.
TestFormatter App

Instruction, Source Code and executables
This utility converts between different formats for unit tests: MSTest and minunit. It uses a simple text substitution method rather than a code parser so you need to be aware of the limitations and check the results, but it can still save a lot of time when converting many tests.
Theme WinMerge App

Instruction, Source Code and executable
A simple colour scheme designer/editor for WinMerge written in C#.
These probably require Microsoft Excel specifically rather than Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc or any other compatible spreadsheet but they do not contain macros.
Sampling digital pulses
Sampling datastream tolerance.xlsx

Calculation of sampling point timing tolerance on a digital waveform. See Sampling a Pulse Stream Mid Bit When the Clock Frequency Varies
CRC Calculations
CRC conversion.xlsx
Conversion to and from Normal to Koopman format of the hex representation of CRC polynomials. See Clearing Up CRC Terminology and Representations of Polynomials
CRC Comparison.xlsx
Comparison of all known CRC polynomials from 3 to 32 bits at Hamming Distances of 3 to 20. See You Are Probably Using A Sub-Optimal CRC
CRC Error calcs Pud.xlsx

Calculates probabilty of undetected errors in message with a CRC. See Choosing an Optimal CRC Polynomial